(shared) Semiliattice. Концепт/манифест более свободного ноушена с клиппером на стероидах, полотном как у miro и рисованием. Миссия Aoshang Ran: подтолкнуть других к размышлению о том, какими могли бы быть наши инструменты.
**Muse by Ink and Switch** MUSE ~ Ink&Switch
Andy Matuschak's Personal Notes
Возможно так же восходит к идеям Doug Engelbart, вокруг которых и ноушен тоже построен
Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework - 1962 (AUGMENT,3906,)
I believe that a natural city has the organisation of a semilattice; but that when we organise a city artificially, we organise it as a tree. –– Christopher Alexander
In Notion, page links are treated as an independent block. There is much less friction when connecting pages in Roam Research with its inline syntax support.
Product designers think about ideas by sketching them out on sticky notes. Writers, like Jo in Little Women, think about story lines by laying out and moving sections around.