Мышление кодированием в IDE, мышление письмом в IWE
IWE (integrated writing environment)
простановка ссылок (#sidememo), дебаг (начиная со спелчекеров) и рефакторинг текста (mxtnr: e.g. автосклонения при коррекции фразы)
Integrated writing environment
source ~ 2009:
Integrated Writing Environment
- CeltxThis IWE is intended for screenplay writers and has screenplay writing and management tools. Celtex provides tools for the pre-production work phase, story development, storyboarding, script breakdowns, production scheduling, and reports.
- ScrivenerThis IWE targets novel, research paper, and script writing. Scrivener provides tools to organize notes and research documents for easy access and referencing. After completing the writing, Scrivener allows the user to export the document to formats supported by common word processors, such as Microsoft Word.
- TeXstudioThis IWE targets LaTeX documents and provides interactive spelling checker, code folding, and syntax highlighting.